20 Years Experience!

New Braunfels DWI / Intoxication Assault / Intoxication Manslaughter Lawyer
Trusted Legal Representation By Criminal Defense Attorney
DWI / Intoxication Assault / Intoxication Manslaughter
Driving while intoxicated - better known as DWI - is operating a vehicle on a Texas roadway while intoxicated. Being intoxicated means either having a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08% and or more or loss of motor or reasoning skills due to the ingestion of alcohol or a drug or a combination. With our New Braunfels DWI attorney at Larry Bloomquist, Attorney at Law, you can have a full understanding of the charges you face as well as their penalties if you are convicted. Our goal is to help you navigate the system in the most effective manner possible.
A DWI conviction is punishable by:
1st Offense - Class B Misdemeanor - Up to a $2,000 fine and confinement from 3 days up to 180 days in the county jail and possible probation up to 2 years and driver's license suspension.
2nd Offense - Class A Misdemeanor - Up to a $4,000 fine and confinement from 30 days to up to 1 Year in the county jail and possible probation up to 2 years and driver's license suspension.
3rd Offense or More - 3rd Felony - Up to a $10,000 fine confinement from 2 years up to 10 years in prison and possible probation up to 10 years and driver's license suspension.
The Impact On Your Life
A simple night out at a restaurant, bar, or friend's house can turn into an ordeal. You could end up in jail, lose your right to drive for months on end, and have to go to court. Some courts require every person sentenced for DWI to spend 3-6 days in jail even if you get probation. You could spend thousands of dollars in surcharges to get your driver's license back. You need help to avoid this or minimize its impact on you, your life, and family.
Helping You Find the Right Defense
The prosecution of driving while intoxicated cases (DWIs) has changed very rapidly. Most counties in this area are using "no refusal days or weekends" to get search warrants and obtain blood specimens from you if you refuse to cooperate. Some counties do this every day, some on the weekends or special holidays only. Many defense attorneys have not adapted to these changes.
New problems require new solutions. These search warrants can be attacked if there was not sufficient probable cause to issue them. At Larry Dean Bloomquist, Attorney at Law, our founding partner spent many years reviewing search warrants for law enforcement. He can spot the problems and attack these warrants. He has tried many of these cases to New Braunfels juries and has taught classes and written articles about DWI cases. This inside knowledge of field sobriety tests, breath tests, blood draws, search warrants, and traffic stops can help give you the edge when you step in the courtroom. You will have the confidence of having attorneys - Larry Bloomquist is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization standing with you.
We handle criminal law cases throughout Central Texas, including, San Antonio, Seguin, New Braunfels, and Boerne, Texas.